Android 4.1 Iso Download X86

Android-x86 4.0-RC2 (Ics-x86)

  1. Based on android x86 oreo (2019-06-11) leanback tv home. Andriod tv playstore. Atv-7-x86-Techinfo-only-installertwrp1.1.4-k4.4.34-32bit.iso download.
  2. The android operating system is a high-demand operating system that is used by many to develop applications in the same environment. The operating system also has a technical liability that the system can easily root out any problems that arise with your project, giving you an upper hand in developing a conventional operational application.
Android 4.1 Iso Download X86

The is glad to announce the 4.4-r1 release to public. This is the first stable release Android-x86 4.4 (kitkat-x86). A live CD ISO is available in the following site. The Android-x86 project is glad to announce cm-x86-14.1-r3. This is the third stable release of Lineage OS (formerly CyanogenMod) 14.1 porting for Android-x86. The prebuilt images are available in the following mirror sites.

The Android-x86 project is glad to announce 4.0-RC2 release to public. This is a second release candidate for Android-x86 4.0 stable release. Live CD ISOs are available from our sites, as usual
Android 4.1 Iso Download X86

Key Features

The 4.0-RC2 release is based on the Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich branch). We have fixed and added x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms, especially for tablets and netbooks. Except the features in 4.0-RC1, the additional features in this release are
  • Kernel 3.0.36 with more drivers and bug fixes.
  • Enable Dalvik JIT compiler support.
  • Support some 3G modem.
  • Ready to run arm translator. (You still need to install Intel's libraries from BuilDroid.)
  • Physical keyboard layout selection.
  • Support two cameras.
  • Fake SD card is replaced by internal storage support.
We create targets optimized for different x86 platforms. Choose a suitable image for your platform.
  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-amd_brazos.iso for AMD Brazos platform

    sha1sum: 41685b2fd9a0fcd101fc21aeb84882015a6fd976

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-eeepc.iso for ASUS Eee PC family

    sha1sum: 1953717ac1d606d57fc7d7293b367f8025c51b65

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-asus_laptop.iso for some ASUS Laptops/Tablets

    sha1sum: fa4a38fcb3e0191523b1673114d9fa076c461671

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-tegav2.iso for Tegav2

    sha1sum: 106b07aee820511077980275cc744c4327352394

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-s103t.iso for Lenovo S10-3t tablet

    sha1sum: 3ca23c78183da7b23f516f9c507d60d82b11ab5e

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-thinkpad.iso for IBM thinkpad tablet

    sha1sum: bc99ec3ace54c0c15c92e4e8eca87385c130ec1d

  • android-x86-4.0-RC2-tx2500.iso for HP tx2500

    sha1sum: 303765d6da5fdb7d8d3979575f0728185e6fb120

The iso files are hybrid format. That means you can dump the iso into a usb drive and get a bootable usb stick, like

where /dev/sdX is the device name of your usb drive.

Known issues

  • Suspend and resume doesn't work on some targets.
  • Not support Ethernet.

Source code

The source code is available in the main git server,

Android X86 4.1 Iso Download

$ repo init -u git:// -b ics-x86
$ repo sync

Android X86 Iso File Download

Android 4.1 Iso

as well as the SourceForge mirror:

Android 4.1 Download For Tablet

$ repo init -u git:// -b ics-x86

Read this page for how to compile the source code.