
Feb 14, 2019 The easiest, fastest way to update or install software. Ninite downloads and installs programs automatically in the background. Ninite is a Web service that consolidates applications into a single installer for you to download. Simply pick the apps you want, then sStart your customized installer.

Ninite is a service used for quick and mass installation of the most popular software which is useful e.g. when installing new system. Working with Ninite involves entering the project website, ticking programs we're interested in and downloading the installer. After launching, the installer will install selected programs and:

Ninite Installer

Ninite comNinite.comNinite installer

Ninite Installer

  • will do it fully automatically (we don't have to click next nor accept)
  • disable all toolbars, about which installers tend to ask
  • download newest versions of the program
  • install best version for our computer (32/64-bit)
  • choose language version according to our system
  • if any newer versions exist, it'll download them with the next launch

Ninite 9

Ninite works very well at keeping everything up to date, but make sure you have a way to monitor its success if you are managing multiple machines. If you want something that will just work and not need to play around too much with, this is the best option The free version is perfectly useful, go ahead and start with the free version and it. (60) 4.6 out of 5. Npms paid products and services offer teams and companies ways to.